Hi bagineers! If you've already logged in to download your February Bag of the Month Club sewing pattern - The Hope Handbag - you may have spotted you've an extra file this month!

During testing, Mrs H had the bright idea of using patchwork for the front panel. And, so, the Patchwork Panel Hack was created! Your Bag of the Month Club bonus file includes instructions for sewing a patchwork front panel, with the option to add a small slip pocket that is just the right size for a travel pass.

Here's what it looks like!

The Hope Handbag by Sewing Patterns by Mrs H - patchwork panel hack



Our testers had a lot of fun playing with the hack, including Elaine, who went for a beautifully bold blue solid for this fantastic Hope Handbag:

The Hope Handbag from Sewing Patterns by Mrs H, made by Elaine Baker



Noor skipped the slip pocket for this stunning patchwork Hope Handbag! We think Noor's fabric choices are absolutely fantastic, but Noor did warn us that they're not easy to topstitch, so please do bear that in mind if you fancy using decor-weight fabric for your sew!

The Hope Handbag with patchwork hack, made by Noor Raats


Which version of The Hope Handbag will you sew first? However you decide to style your sew, be sure to tag us in your make - @SewingPatternsByMrsH or @BagOfTheMonthClub on Facebook and Instagram!


Not yet signed up to our Club? Join now at www.bagomc.com for only $20 USD! Happy sewing! xx